BatteryWidget for Android™

The BatteryWidget is a simple and light weight 1x1 home screen widget which shows the current battery level. The level is shown in percent and an icon graphically illustrates the level. The widget will show if you are charging by indicating the charger type as either AC (wall charger), USB (e.g. connected to a laptop), or WL (wireless charging). Clicking the widget will open the system's battery usage summary so you can easily see what has been using the battery. The BatteryWidget can also be started as an application and show more detailed information about the battery.


Download the apk here [Downloads: 765]
SHA1: 9c183dbef5bf9518780afde4bc30ed8293499a56

At some point it will be available from the Google Play store.

Don't Worry!

No permissions are required for using this software. No adds will be shown and no personal or non-personal information will be collected.


How does it look like?

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